CAF Partners with NASA Space Apps Challenge

The Center for Africana Futures, in partnership with TSU Online, TSU Biomedical Science, and NASA Glenn Research Center, is participating in the NASA Space Apps Challenge, a global hackathon that brings together innovation, science, and technology. This exciting collaboration will enable students, professionals, and creatives to contribute to cutting-edge solutions for space and Earth challenges, aligning with NASA's mission.

NASA Space Apps Challenge 2024 Overview

The NASA Space Apps Challenge is an international event where participants form teams to address real-world problems using open data provided by NASA. The challenge fosters a spirit of collaboration and creativity, aiming to engage diverse communities in solving challenges that span the fields of aerospace, Earth science, and space exploration. The event, with local hubs across the globe, allows participants to work both online and in-person.

Partnership Goals and Impact

The Center for Africana Futures, along with Texas Southern University (TSU) Online and TSU Biomedical Science, aims to leverage this partnership to explore how space science can intersect with health sciences, environmental sustainability, and technological innovation. NASA Glenn Research, a key partner, brings decades of experience in aeronautics and space research, making it a valuable collaborator.

Cleveland Hub for NASA Space Apps 2024

The Cleveland location is particularly significant for the 2024 event. The local event will take place in collaboration with NASA Glenn Research Center, one of NASA's premier research facilities. Cleveland’s participation in the challenge symbolizes the city's growing presence in the field of space science and technology. This regional event creates opportunities for students and professionals to engage with NASA experts, develop critical skills, and possibly see their ideas move from concept to implementation.

Significance of the Center for Africana Futures

The Center for Africana Futures is an organization committed to uplifting and empowering communities through science, technology, and futurist perspectives rooted in the African diaspora. Their involvement in the NASA Space Apps Challenge emphasizes the importance of inclusion and diversity in space science and exploration, ensuring that solutions to global challenges reflect diverse viewpoints and approaches. Through their work, the center fosters the growth of African-American and other underrepresented students in STEM fields, contributing to the democratization of space research and innovation.

TSU Biomedical Science & TSU Online Contributions

Texas Southern University, with its strong focus on research and innovation, particularly in the biomedical sciences, brings a wealth of knowledge to this partnership. The biomedical focus is especially relevant to the NASA Space Apps Challenge, where health and life sciences play critical roles in space exploration. TSU Online also offers a platform for virtual collaboration, making it easier for participants to engage in the challenge remotely, an essential feature in today’s increasingly digital world.

Opportunities for Participants

Through this collaboration, participants will have the chance to work on projects that could influence space exploration, climate change solutions, and advancements in health technologies. With guidance from NASA Glenn Research Center experts, TSU faculty, and industry professionals, teams will tackle issues such as planetary health, data visualization, and space mission logistics.

This partnership reflects the growing importance of collaboration between educational institutions, research centers, and international organizations to push the boundaries of what is possible in space exploration. The NASA Space Apps Challenge 2024 will serve as a platform for innovation, creativity, and the growth of new ideas, and the partnership between the Center for Africana Futures, TSU, and NASA Glenn Research is a powerful example of the impact such collaborations can have on the future of space science and beyond.


CAF and TSU to Participate in the NASA Space Apps Challenge


ToyzCon x CAF @ TSU Homecoming